

You are allowed to use PamaliCovers and any content provided by PamaliCovers if you are 18 years or older or if your parent or guardian who is 18 years or older reads the entire terms listed on this page including disclaimers and agrees to all of them. If you or your parent or guardian do not agree to the entire terms listed on this page then you shall not use PamaliCovers or any content provided by PamaliCovers.

You shall not use PamaliCovers to draw any image, or download images from PamaliCovers that will be used or characterized as:

Derogatory, humliating or condescending towards any person, group of people, associations, organizations or corporations.
Expressing hate towards any one or group.
Porn or advertises sexual activities even if it was legal in your state or country.
Violating any Canadian or US laws.

Usage and Sharing Rules

You can’t provide access to, or sell, PamaliCovers Actions downloaded from this site.
You can’t claim to be the creator of the Actions on this site.
You can’t use hotlinks to point to files on PamaliCovers.
You can’t share PamaliCovers content on your web site without hyperlinking to the original page at PamaliCovers.
You can’t modify PamaliCovers Actions for the purpose of forking it as your own work, it is forbidden to share altered Actions as your content.

The terms of use listed here are subject to change without notice. If you download content from PamaliCovers, you hereby agree that it is your responsibility to continuously check the terms for updates. In the event that the terms change and you do not agree with the new terms, you shall cease using any content downloaded or delete any content drawn or uploaded from or to PamaliCovers upon publishing those newer terms.

For detail and updated license, please visit:

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